Saturday, August 03, 2013

Stuntin'? Not so least not just yet.

I received my first pair of sunglasses from Stunner of the Month! Yea :)

I was impressed with the shipping, and it really is funny how just receiving something in the mail, that's not a bill, can make you feel just that much better.

The glasses were packaged well in a protective pouch sporting the Company logo; and came with a logo card and a card detailing the style, collection and level of the specs. Since these where my first pair from my subscription, I was also sent a cute and sturdy mini screwdriver keychain to address any loose screw emergencies, which I immediately put on my main keychain.

These glasses are called The Horizons; and I think they are pretty aptly named.

"Optimum quality of life is achieved at sunset
when the horizon line turns that magic shade
of pinkish purple. It may not be the same hue, but
these stunners draw out that effect for all day
Collection: Enhancer
Level: Super"
I do like the sides

but the front...not so much.

You never know when you'll need a mini screwdriver, right?

These are definitely not shades that I would have picked out for myself. They are a good quality, and are nice enough, but I'm just not feeling them.

My hubby likes how they look on me, however, so I was all set to keep them. I even sent the Company a tweet about it. They responded (very quickly, btw) stating that I should email customer service stating that I was not happy, and a free replacement pair would be sent my way! Customer service win! We'll see what happens when I send my email.

Have any of you had any experience with Stunner of the Month? If so, how was the service? If not, would you ever consider joining a sunglasses of the month service?

Later gators,

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