Friday, December 27, 2013

Captain Nemo's Chocolate Factory

Stunner of the Month sent me the perfect shades this month :) They are definitely a little out there, but they are seriously adorable.

Enormous and purple, The Nemos look like something plucked directly out of Willy Wonka's closet. Love 'Em :)

The Nemos

You were the most advanced scientist of the
Victorian era, but when you surfaced from
20,000 leagues it was the Third Millennium. 
Turns out there hasn't been too much progress,
luckily all your inventions are safely stored in
your Stunners. Time to take over the world!
Collection: Villain;  Level: Fly

If you'd like to receive your own monthly sunglasses subscription, head over to

The price to get your own subscription is $9/month (which includes shipping!), and you can use the promo code 'trystunner' to get a month free. They also have gift subscriptions for those who would rather be charged once instead of waiting for a monthly charge:

3 months for $27;
6 months for $45; or
12 months for $90.

Anyway, back to the Nemos. I can't wait to rock these next Summer; but what do you think of this month's Stunners? If you also subscribe to StunMo, what shades did you receive this month?

Later gators,

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